Welcome to NOW!

We believe that the legacy you leave will be worth the risk, and the benefits you will receive will be eternal. That is why we have taken up the call of God given to us in Isaiah 54:2-3.
“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited.“
Let’s take a brief look at that passage:
Enlarge the place of thy tent — That it may be capable of receiving the Gentiles, who will flock to us in great numbers, and desire to associate themselves with us. And let them — Those to whom that work belongs, us. Stretch forth the curtains — Meaning, the curtains must and shall be stretched out. Spare not — Fear not that we might prepare more room than will be occupied; for very large additions of people are to be expected. And strengthen thy stakes — That they may be able to support the great weight which the tent, thus enlarged, will be upon them. For thou shalt break forth — We will bring forth a multitude of children; for the word here rendered “break forth”, is commonly used of any great and extraordinary gathering of people. On the right hand and on the left — On every side, in all parts of the world. And our children will be so numerous that they can no longer be contained within narrow bounds. And thy seed — Our spiritual seed, the members of the New Testament church, and especially the apostles and other ministers of Christ. Shall inherit the Gentiles — Will bring the Gentile world to the obedience of the faith; and make the desolate cities to be inhabited — will cause those cities and countries which, in a spiritual sense, were desolate, being destitute of all good, to be filled with members of the Church. 5
More is at stake than having more parking, more room, a larger footprint, and more seats. Destinies are at stake. As Pastor Dave always says, “Life is short. Eternity is real. And people matter most.”
Pastors Wil & Autumn
Learn more about the NOW! Campaign in the Journey Guide.